March 28, 2025 Click here to retrieve your AFSCME Council Member ID
Thank you,
Local 2224 Executive Board
What We Do
Local 2224 fights for working-class families and has for more than 70 years. We stand up for our members in the legislative, political, and social landscapes. Your Local 2224 is committed to fair wages, affordable health care, safety on the job and dignity in retirement.
Who We Are
Statewide, AFSCME represents more than 90,000 active and retired employees of state, county and city governments, state universities, local school districts and nonprofit agencies. Our members work at sites across Illinois and include the following State Departments: Employment Security, Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Labor, Central Management Services, Insurance, Financial and Professional Regulation, and Innovation and Technology.
Who We Represent
We represent YOU. State of Illinois Employees
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